How Much Value Could A New Roof Installation Add to Your Home?

November 17, 2022
Blogs , Roofing

When you think of your home’s value, are your estimates through the roof? Roofers in NJ know that they should be, because your roof can add (or subtract!) a lot of value from your home. Keep reading to see why a new roof is a must for your home, and how much value that new roof could add.

Why Put a New Roof on My Home in NJ?
If you’re thinking of selling your home, a new roof could be the “dealbreaker” at sales day. Wouldn’t you want to move into a home with a brand new roof? As the housing market becomes more volatile, smart sellers are taking that extra step to make their home as appealing as possible, including replacing the roof. Of course, of you are planning to live in your home for many years, a roof replacement isn’t out of the question—in that case, you’ll get to enjoy all the benefits, like lowered heating costs, improved appearance, and increased value in your asset.

How Much Does a New Roof Cost?
New roofs in New Jersey are expensive! The average single-family homeowner spends $10-20 thousand on a new roof, depending on the size of the home and the materials chosen. That’s a heft amount, but when you consider that a roof replacement should last at least 20 years, it doesn’t seem quite so bad. Even more, your newly installed roof can help reduce heating and cooling costs by better insulating your home, and can help to prevent costly damage from water leaks.

How Much Value Does A Roof Replacement Add to My Property?
Based on national averages, adding a new roof to your home can increase its value by about $12,000. That may not seem like a whole lot, but when you think about other projects, such as kitchen renovations or landscaping, new roofing pays off pretty well. In general, a new roof returns 60-70% of its costs, and may come with other benefits such as selling your property faster or reducing heating costs if you live in your home.

Don’t wait—inflation isn’t going anywhere, and that leak isn’t getting any smaller. Call Allied Roofing and Construction today to schedule your roof replacement.

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