Wild Weather is Ruining Roofs in NJ! Allied Construction Keeps You Dry

July 6, 2023
Blogs , Construction , Remodels

Has the wild weather taken a toll on your home? Roofing contractors in New Jersey know just how hard that rain and hail has been pelting roofs, because we’ve been up there fixing them! Keep reading to see why roof damage can be devastating for your home, and how to keep your home dry with a new or repaired roof.

Why Roof Damage in New Jersey Trickles Down
Your roof keeps the elements out of your home—when it is in good repair. Unfortunately, a roof that is damaged is more likely to hide the water and wind intrusion, leading to the possibility of mold, mildew, and rot. This can even make its way down your walls or into your living space, causing more damage and costing more money! Roof damage also increases your heating and cooling costs by letting the climate-controlled air escape.

Call a Local Roofing Contractor To Repair Your Roof
If you know your roof has had damage, you need a roofing contractor to evaluate and repair it. Sometimes you know there has been some damage—for example, if you can see a big fallen branch pushing through the roof, if water is leaking into your attic, or if shingles are visibly missing. Sometimes, you may just suspect roof damage. In any case, it’s time to call your roofing contractor in New Jersey to check it out and advise on necessary repairs.

Replace Your Roof with NJ’s Best Roofers
If your roof has been too damaged to repair, or if it was already old and on its last leg, this may be the time to replace your roof. Local roofers can complete this job in no time, protecting your family and your home. Roof replacement time is also a great time to consider a new style of roof—why not install a metal roof that will last for decades while cutting down on heating and cooling costs?

Every roof in New Jersey requires a carefully consider, custom plan for repair or replacement. If you’re concerned about your roof, give our team of contractors a call and start discussing your roof repair options.

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