Are Off-Grid Solar Panel Installations A Good Option in New Jersey?

March 6, 2022
Construction , Solar Panels

Have you ever thought about going off-grid? Many New Jersey homeowners interested in solar panel installations have considered off-grid solar panel installations as an option. Whether you want to enjoy the urban or suburban life without the hassle of dealing with the power company, you love the earth and are committed to renewable energy, or you just have a hunting cabin or other property that isn’t even on the grid, solar panel installation from NJ’s best roofing and solar contractors can be the answer!

Aren’t Solar Panels Expensive?
Solar panels are known for two main things: they cost a lot at first, and they save a lot over time. Fortunately, the upfront costs have greatly decreased in the past few decades, while your savings keep increasing. Across the US, power companies raised prices by 10-15% at least—but your solar power keeps flowing freely from the sun. Even better, there are many federal and NJ-specific incentives to help you cover the cost of solar panel installation, making it an even better option.

How Do Off-Grid Solar Panels Work?
Unlike solar panels that connect to the power company, an off-grid solar panel is limited just to your home. Any additional power you generate stays stored at your home with rechargeable batteries. Unlike solar panels that connect to “the grid,” your stored energy remains just for your use.

Can I DIY My Solar Panels?
There are a variety of DIY solar panel installation guides out there, and some may work well for you. However, if you want the most powerful solar panel performance, your best bet is to work with a roofing and solar panel expert in NJ who can guide you through the process. Do you know all the industry secrets, new government programs, and best brands? Solar panel experts do, and they’d love to share! More importantly, you risk fire and electrocution when you work with solar power and electricity. The experts have the tools and experience to handle it safely.

Start your journey to solar power today when you call Allied Roofing and Construction!

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